Zarda Spacial Recipe - Roshan Worlds

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Zarda Spacial Recipe

 Zarda Spacial Recipe


Enjoy The Delicious, Fragrant,Colorful Zarda!

The Traditional recipe for Zarda, a popular sweet rice dish in South Asian cuisine:

Zarda Recipe


  • Basmati rice: 1 cup
  • Water: 4 cups (for boiling rice)
  • Sugar: 1 cup
  • Ghee (clarified butter): 4 tablespoons
  • Green cardamom pods: 4-5
  • Cloves: 4-5
  • Cinnamon stick: 1 small piece
  • Yellow food coloring: a pinch (or a few drops if using liquid)
  • Milk: 1/4 cup
  • Mixed nuts (almonds, pistachios, and cashews): 1/4 cup (sliced or chopped)
  • Raisins: 2 tablespoons
  • Desiccated coconut: 2 tablespoons (optional)
  • Saffron strands: a pinch (soaked in 1 tablespoon warm milk)
  • Rose water: 1 tablespoon (optional)


  1. Boil the Rice:

    • Wash the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.
    • In a large pot, bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
    • Add the washed rice and a pinch of yellow food coloring to the boiling water.
    • Cook the rice until it is 70-80% done (it should still have a slight bite to it). Drain and set aside.
  2. Prepare the Sugar Syrup:

    • In a separate pan, combine the sugar with 1/4 cup of water and bring to a boil.
    • Cook until the sugar is fully dissolved. Add the saffron milk to the sugar syrup.
  3. Cooking the Zarda:

    • In a large heavy-bottomed pot, heat the ghee over medium heat.
    • Add the green cardamom pods, cloves, and cinnamon stick. Sauté for a minute until fragrant.
    • Add the partially cooked rice to the pot and gently mix to coat the rice with the ghee and spices.
    • Pour the sugar syrup over the rice and gently mix.
    • Add the milk, soaked saffron strands (with the milk), and a few drops of rose water (if using).
  4. Simmer and Cook:

    • Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the rice cook on a low flame for about 15-20 minutes until the rice is fully cooked and has absorbed the syrup.
    • In the last 5 minutes of cooking, sprinkle the mixed nuts, raisins, and desiccated coconut (if using) over the top of the rice. Cover and let it steam.
  5. Serve:

    • Once the rice is cooked, gently fluff it with a fork to mix the nuts and raisins throughout.
    • Serve the Zarda warm, garnished with additional nuts and a sprinkle of saffron strands if desired.


  • Adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste preference.
  • You can also add a few drops of kewra essence for a more aromatic flavor.
  • Be gentle while mixing the rice to avoid breaking the grains.


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